Powerful new simulation software from PI (Physik Instrumente) determines if a hexapod is suitable for a specific positioning task, in terms of workspace, load, center of mass, and operating orientation. The tool helps in making the correct choice for the application at hand. A hexapod, also known as a Stewart Platform, offers motion in 6 […]
Integrated Linear Systems
Motion basics: How to define roll, pitch, and yaw for linear systems
Linear guides and systems — including Cartesian robots, gantry systems, and XY tables — are typically subjected to both linear forces due to downward, upward, and side loads and rotational forces due to overhung loads. Rotational forces — also referred to as moment forces — are typically defined as roll, pitch, and yaw, based on […]
Industry first: XY stage with 800 x 800 mm open center
Intellidrives now offers open-center XY stages with travel of 600 x 600 mm and open center dimensions of 800 x 800 mm. The demand for a high accuracy, robust, open-frame stages is met with Intellidrives dual-axis, large aperture stages, which address the unique needs of scanning microscopy, wafer and printed circuit board inspection, automated assembly, […]
PHD Inc. now sells Series ESU-RB ballscrew linear actuators
PHD Inc. now sells a new Series ESU electric actuator — the ESU-RB. This linear actuator incorporates a ballscrew and features a robust enclosed design with a high capacity rail-bearing system. These features let the actuator deliver exceptional moment and load capability. The ESU-RB electric actuator is available in three sizes with travels lengths up […]
Dual-axis pitch and roll stages precisely measure curvature and angles
The precise measurements of angles and the curvature of objects are easily determined using two new Pitch and Roll stages from OES (Optimal Engineering Systems, Inc.) The PR100-45-01 is driven by stepper motors and the PR100-45-02 is driven by brushless servo motors with quadrature incremental optical encoders. The pitch axis (lower stage) is a high-precision […]
New DR Series compact electric cylinders from Oriental Motor
Oriental Motor now sells DR Series compact electric cylinders based on 28-mm AZ Series or PKP Series stepper motors. The DR Series is available with an AZ Series or 2-phase PKP Series base motor. The DR Series is a linear motion actuator that incorporates a precision ball screw into a stepper motor … saving space, […]
Linear shaft motors see increased force capabilities thanks to advances in magnets
By Paul Denman • Applications engineer and business development • Nippon Pulse America Today most linear-motion designs execute their strokes with actuators based on stepper motors or brushless dc (BLDC) servo motors. Such designs have an inherent complexity due to the fact that the motors and its gearing and encoder must essentially hang off the […]
Linear guides, power transmission, actuators see unexpected applications
Our 2020 survey of the industry indicates an unabated trend towards more automation of previously static or manually tended systems. Key to these new offerings is installation simplicity for OEMs and end users of linear components for linear axes … as well as positioning stages and Cartesian robots. In fact, Cartesian robots (also called linear […]
XY2Z-theta motion system improves wafer inspection for the semiconductor industry
For more than fifty years, the Dutch linear-motion company PM has developed and produced precision linear and rotating bearings and slides. It focuses on applications requiring smoothness and stiffness from their linear bearings … and continues to expand its standard range of linear components. But customization is becoming the norm — and now, catalog products […]
Motorized yaw-pitch-roll stages from OES
Three new high accuracy yaw-pitch-roll stages have been introduced by OES (Optimal Engineering Systems, Inc.) – the YPR100-10-15-01 (stepper-motor driven, pictured below), the YPR100-10-15-02 (brushless servo-motor driven) and the YPR100-10-15-03 (dc servo motor driven). These stages are suitable for the precise measurement of compound angles or the curvature of an object. The yaw axis (bottom […]