With linear actuators from Exlar (www.exlar.com), Robotic Security Systems (www.rssi.com), a vehicle security barriers manufacturer, has launched the RS-2000, an electric barrier that is reliable, simple to install and operate, and cost-effective to maintain.
“The main difference between a hydraulic barrier and an electric barrier is performance. With electric motors, the barrier can operate faster—with more duty cycles and operations in a given time period—without sacrificing reliability,” said Bill Jempty, RSSI VP of Sales and Marketing.
Exlar’s GSX40 actuator provided RSSI the advantages of brushless servo design and roller screw technology. Featuring planetary rollers fitted around the extending rod of the actuator that follow threads, the roller screw mechanism converted electric motor power within the actuator into linear motion.
“The GSX40 … allowed us to move our barrier up and down faster with a higher number of duty cycles,” said Jempty. “The servomotor was especially helpful because it knows where the barrier is at all points in its operation. With the old style you only knew if the barrier was up or down.”
Aside from its capacity to support heavy loads at high speeds, GSX40’s roller screw mechanism provided it with longer functional life attributed to its larger cumulative contact surface.
Delivering high speeds of 3000 rpm that translates into 10in/sec for the barrier, the actuator’s compact system permits for high torque even at the speed of 0. K-12 certified, RSS-2000’s actuator back-up battery system allows for 300 more uses even after its power has gone out.
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