(Natick, MA) – MicroE Systems introduces the Mercury II digital encoder platform for high performance motion control applications. No other encoder in its class surpasses Mercury II for raw performance, versatility or ease of use. Four models are available with resolutions ranging from 5µm to 1.2nm, linear or 16k CPR to 268M CPR rotary. Users can program the interpolation level in integer steps for precise control. Best-in-Class accuracy of ±25nm is achievable with glass scales. Operating speed at 50nm resolution is 3.7 m/s, or three times faster than similar 20µm pitch encoders. The same encoder sensor works with PurePrecision™ laser tape, glass linear and rotary scales. The encoder family is also available with stick-on bi-directional optical index and limits.
Mercury II’s versatility affords engineers unmatched design flexibility and cost savings. The miniature sensor, just 8.7mm tall, fits space-restricted motion platform designs. In addition, the same sensor works with adhesive-backed PurePrecision™ laser tape scales, as well as glass linear and glass rotary scales. PurePrecision™ laser tape is available in reels up to 50m in length which can be cut to the application requirement for maximum inventory cost savings. It is also available in pre-cut lengths if preferred.
Ease of use is achieved several ways. Mercury II is the only encoder with stick-on bi-directional optical index and limit markers. Stick-on markers enable designers to configure the scale to the application during production. The concern of maintaining an inventory of fixed-length scales with the multiple index and limit configurations has been eliminated. Repeatability for the index is 1 LSB at full speed. Markers can be placed anywhere along the scale and are designed to fit on the 6mm wide laser tape or on glass scales. Maximum system width is the same as the scale.
Mercury II has the widest sensor alignment tolerance, ±2 degrees. It is the easiest and the fastest sensor to align and setup. No instrumentation or external modules are needed; you can align the Mercury II sensor in under 30 seconds. Integral setup and status LEDs, make index and limit setup fast and easy.
Enabling Mercury II’s “Best-In-Class” performance is its next-generation optical design and SmartPrecision™ II electronics. Operation is robust under a wide range of conditions, such as contamination from oil, fingerprints, dust, and more. AGC circuitry instantly compensates for signal variations. Digital output from the sensor enables reliable performance in high PWM/EMI noise applications. Cable runs up to 5 meters from the sensor and up to 20 meters from the interpolator to the controller are possible. SmartPrecision II electronics and the Mercury II sensor are RoHS compliant.
SmartPrecision™ II software is the most advanced encoder setup and monitoring software in the industry. SmartPrecision II software enables programmable resolution, encoder setup, alarms and analysis using a variety of data plots. In addition, it enables remote real time monitoring and diagnostics from a web browser via Ethernet connectivity.
: Design World :
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