While ironless linear motors have been used in semiconductor and electronic applications for more than a decade, they are still viewed by many designers and OEMs as “niche” products. But the perception of linear motors as a costly solution for unique applications is slowly changing, as more industries are adopting them as replacements for ball screws […]
Linear Motor
ETEL Offers an Ironless Line of Linear Motors
ETEL presents its line of ironless high-speed linear motors, the ILF and the ILM series. Built for use in the semiconductor and electronics industry, this line of ironless linear motors adds to the wide range of motors and solutions that ETEL provides to those industries and beyond. Of particular importance to the semiconductor and electronics industries, […]
Linear Shaft Motor Stage Offers Nanoprecision
Radford, Va. – Nippon Pulse America’s new SCR100 stage is an ultra high precision, compact single axis stage that integrates a slide guide, encoder, and Linear Shaft Motor. It offers a wide range of advantages for ultra high performance and accuracy applications. The Linear Shaft Motor is a coreless direct drive linear motor which has […]
Miniature Linear Vibration Actuator from Nidec Copal
Torrance, Cal. – Nidec Copal’s new LD14 miniature linear vibration actuator uses a new voice coil technology to develop an acceleration output of 1G at 150Hz operated by square wave output. The actuator is a compact 0.552” (14mm) long by 0.433” (11mm) wide by 0.10” (2.5mm) high, with only 2V and 77mA needed to excite […]
35mm Linear Stepper Motor from Nippon Pulse
Radford, Va. – Nippon Pulse’s PFL35T LINEARSTEP® tin-can type linear actuator gives engineers the ability to design a linear motion system simply and at a low cost. Nippon Pulse’s LINEARSTEP series offers direct linear motion without the need for any mechanical transformers, allowing users the ability to design a simple system at a low cost. […]
Nippon Pulse Linear Shaft Motor Features Sub-Micron Resolutions
Radford, Va. – The Nippon Pulse Linear Shaft Motor is designed and constructed for ultra high-precision applications needing sub-micron resolutions. Because of its design features, the Linear Shaft Motor is more energy efficient and can achieve motion profiles that similar linear motors can’t. The design of the Linear Shaft Motor maximizes use of magnetic flux, […]
Linear Shaft Motor caters to ultra high-precision market
Nippon Pulse (www.nipponpulse.com) has introduced the first linear motor that is constructed and designed with the intention of catering the demands of ultra-high precision market. The Linear Shaft Motor’s distinct features are more energy efficient compared to similar linear motors of its kind. Achieving motion profiles that similar linear motors fail to achieve, the Nippon […]
Heason releases new MMG-AL linear motor driven positioning stage
Heason Technology (http://www.heason.com) has introduced an all-new high throughput version of the Mini-MAG linear motor driven positioning stage from distribution partner Dover Inc. (www.dovercorporation.com). While the new, ultra-compact MMG-AL still incorporates the main design and dimensional characteristics of the range, it replaces the stainless steel base and top plate with an optional single phase linear […]
High Speed, High Force, Sub-micron Positioning, Voice Coil Stage Features 20 mm Aperture
Sunnyvale, Calif. – Equipment Solutions’ VCS-2020 Voice Coil Stage features a 20 mm diameter aperture, 20 mm (0.7874 in.) travel, and sub-micron (1.1811 10-6 in.) positioning resolution. An integrated Analog position feedback sensor assures 100 nanometer (3.937 10-6 in.) repeatability. The cross-roller voice-coil stages are self contained, compact, and can be mounted in a horizontal […]
New Linear Motor Line from Siemens
Elk Grove Village, Ill. – With the recent introduction of its 1FN6 Linear Motors, Siemens now offers three models of Linear Motors for seamless integration with all Sinumerik or Simotion control systems using Sinamics drives. The three new motors are the 1FN3 Peak Load Motor, 1FN3 Continuous Load Motor, and the1FN6 Magnet Free Secondary. The […]